Independent Irish Craft Beer Mark

Beer that carries this mark has been brewed in a genuinely Independent Irish Microbrewery.
The ICBI launched the official mark for independently brewed Irish craft beer within the brewing community in late 2016. Now that it is widely in use, in 2019 we're launching it to the public. The mark differentiates authentic Irish craft beer among a sea of imitators.
The Independent Irish Craft Beer mark offers you reassurance that the beer displaying this mark is from an independently owned, small scale, registered microbrewery and that the brewer has complete ownership of the brand.
About The Independent Irish Craft Beer Mark
There has been incredible growth in the beer market, in Ireland with in excess of 80 registered microbreweries now in operation when a little as eight years ago there were less than 20!
This is a fantastic news story for the consumer, leading to a really great choice of beers on the Irish market. But, along with the beers, we've found that craft beer drinkers also love the names and stories behind the breweries, and the link to their local community brewers.
Unfortunately, some companies have released products into the market which have been misrepresented as craft beer, and have vague origins, but suggest a provenance of craft beer from an independent Irish brewery. There's even a new name for these types of beers, dubbed as "crafty"!
The Independent Irish Craft Beer symbol offers reassurance to consumers that the beer they are buying is what it purports to be - that the brewery the beer came from is independently owned and small scale, a registered microbrewery (as recognised by Revenue's definitions), and that the brewer has complete ownership of the brand.
What this means for the consumer is that they can easily identify a beer which comes from an independent Irish craft brewer and make an informed choice, based on the provenance of the beer.
For the Irish craft brewers, it gives a means by which they can take a stand against the misrepresentation of brands and to identify themselves as what they are - small scale breweries, brewing their own beers in their own microbreweries.
The Independent Irish Craft Beer symbol had been devised and developed by ICBI, however use of the symbol is not confined to ICBI members.
Any brewer whose beer fulfils the criteria may submit an application for use.
Membership of the ICBI is not automatic qualification for use of symbol.
Use of the symbol is reviewed regularly by the review panel, who approve applications and address any complaints concerning use of the symbol. Use of the symbol is continuously managed through spot checks on the marketplace and via a complaints system where members of the public or brewers may contact ICBI with complaints about any beer which it is felt bears the symbol deceptively.
Approved Breweries
12 Acres
Ballykilcavan Brewing
Black Donkey
Blacks Brewery
Brehon Brewhouse
Bridewell Brewery
Brú Brewery
Cotton Ball
Dungarvan Brewing Company
Hope Beer
Lough Gill
Priory Brewing
Reel Deel
St Mels
West Cork Bewery
West Kerry Brewery
White Gypsy
Wicklow Wolf
Detailed Criteria For Use
- The applicant company must have a current Brewers Manufacturers License from Revenue.
- The applicant company must have a current ATP 3 Form
- The applicant must submit a signed declaration to confirm:
- That they are economically independent of any brewery producing over 40,000HL per annum
- That they meet Enterprise Ireland’s definition of an SME*
- That they own and control the brand for which they are applying for use of the logo
- That the beer to carry the logo was brewed in Ireland by them in their brewery and not under contract by anotherbrewery
- That the beer to carry the logo was packaged by them, or under contract for them, on the island of Ireland
Note that membership of the ICBI is not a requirement in order to use the symbol.

*SME Definition (Enterprise Ireland) From 1st January 2007 :
Small Enterprise: A Small Enterprise is defined as an enterprise that has fewer than 50 employees and has either an annual turnover and/or an annual Balance Sheet total not exceeding €10m
Medium Sized Enterprise: A Medium Sized Enterprise is defined as an enterprise that has between 50 employees and 249 employees and has either an annual turnover not exceeding €50m or an annual Balance Sheet total not exceeding €43m
If a company is part of a group the employee, turnover, annual balance sheet and ownership limits apply to the group
If the enterprise is more than 25% owned by one or more enterprises or itself has a holding of more than 25% in any other enterprise, it will be necessary to consult the Enterprise Ireland SME Definition Guide
The work of the ICBI is supported by our membership fees and kindly supplemented by our key trade partners. A list of all of our partner / supplier supporters and full trade directory can be found here