Membership of ICBI

The ICBI offers 3 membership types:

Why Join The ICBI?

MOST IMPORTANTLY: To work together as part of the brewery community in Ireland!

The ICBI is one of very few representative bodies in Ireland within the artisan food and drink sector and it is important for breweries to join together to have voices heard by government when necessary and to engage on a formal basis, collectively with state agencies and other trade bodies.


    • The ICBI is run by breweries, for breweries
    • Our members gain access to the most up top date information on legislative and trade issues
    • Access to Knowledge Sharing platform
    • The ICBI is entirely independent, so microbreweries interests are the only issue of the organisation
      (We will be on your side at all times when the voice of the independent brewer needs to be heard)
    • The only official representative body with the interest of independent craft brewers at the fore.
    • Dedicated to the promotion of the craft brewing sector to state agencies and the wider public
    • Dedicated to the constant improvement of quality within the sector

Key Aims of ICBI

  • To operate a proactive association which represents the interests of independent craft brewers in Ireland
  • To increase awareness of authentic independent craft breweries
  • To promote the development of high quality brewing, dispensing, packaging, sales, marketing, and distribution of beer in Ireland
  • To lobby and promote the objectives of the organisation, getting issues raised at national level
  • To communicate all relevant issues to members
  • To interact with other stakeholders most especially relevant government agencies and trade bodies
  • To develop, educate and train our personnel in best practices

ICBI Membership Criteria

Membership of the Independent Craft Brewers of Ireland is largely based on the revenue definition  of a microbrewery as laid out for breweries which qualify for a rebate on excise duties

  1. The applicant must be an Irish (including NI) registered company with its primary brewing operation on the Island of Ireland.
  2. Applicant company must have a current Brewers Manufacturers Licence from Irish Revenue or HM Revenue & Customs.
  3. Applicant company must have a current APT 3 form.
  4. Applicant company must confirm that they are economically independent of any brewery producing over the micro volume limit as defined by Irish Revenue or HM Revenue & Customs. [i]

[i] Rebate for volumes up to 30,000hl (max. overall production up to 75,000hl) as of 2022
View Details on Revenue Website
View PN1888 - Further Revenue Guidance Document

ICBI Membership Fees

Brewery membership Fees are based on brewery production level per annum as follows:

Band 1: 0 - 500HL              €250

Band 2: 500 - 2,000HL      €350

Band 3: 2,000 - 5,000HL   €500

Band 4: 5,000 - 10,000HL  €750

Band 5: > 10,000HL           €1,000


Partner membership fees are structured according to the needs of the business - please fill out the below form or contact us directly for details


Join Independent Craft Brewers of Ireland

Billing & Required Documentation Notes

Membership renewals are due annually in springtime post our AGM and new member fees are billed thereafter on a quarterly pro-rata basis throughout the year.

A copy of the Manufacturer’s License and Form APT3 will be required for all full membership applicants.

All Member Applicants will be contacted after an expression of interest with details of how to submit these documents alongside a full membership application form.

Note that APT3 forms will be reviewed in strictest confidentiality by the consulting coordination officer of the ICBI who has no direct affiliation to any single brewery.


The work of the ICBI is supported by our membership fees and kindly supplemented by our key trade partners. A list of all of our partner / supplier supporters and full trade directory can be found here